Friday, April 27, 2018

The diverse community

ONE Tribe, in ONE World,

I am not in favor of moving anyone anywhere even though migration is the story of Human Survival. I favor it as a personal decision. The present occupiers of any geographical area have the power to aid or to resist the migration of other Tribes. 

Ask the Native American how that works out for them. What makes you think our generations of immigrants who took this land from the indigenous population now have an eternal God-given right to protect its occupation from tribes of other cultures? 

Human population is residences of the whole world. 
Sovereign Territories are created by power and will fall to power. The goal should be to improve life for all human beings to reduce the drive to seek survival by moving to what promises to be a better land. 

We need to adopt the goal of ONE Tribe, in ONE World, and end the competition to destroy each other. We need to learn the truth that diversity is the path to the creation of a better future. The goal can be achieved within a framework of a cooperative community operating with a competitive spirit in its people.

"The diverse community" first published April 27,2018, on my Blog:  Short Thoughts too Long to tweet: