Monday, June 5, 2017

Commonshare of the Commonwealth

Ownership has cost

The Sovereign Nation owns the land we live on, the wealth beneath it, and the air above.  Private ownership is a privilege that is granted in return for the payment of fees and/or tax on profits earned or for satisfaction gained in the private personal use. The monetary gains by the Sovereign Nation are the commonwealth that belongs to the Sovereign community.  How they are distributed depends on who holds the Power to control distribution. 

The fact that we pay our property tax or lose our property is the proof that private use is a privilege that you must pay for. The right of "Eminent Domain" is additional proof that the Government can take what it needs for the "Common Good" as long as you are compensated for your improvements.

The power to tax personal possessions & monetary wealth is the source of the "commonwealth".  In a democratic nation, all of the people are entitled to a dividend on their Common share of that wealth. I am a strong believer in the Right of every Citizen [rich or p
oor] to receive their dividend on what they own in common, just as a Corporate shareholder does. If the Dividend is adequately used for the General Welfare of the Citizen, poverty will not be a plague upon the population.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Income offers Choice

Choice is the key to freedom

Ownership of  Property in the Capitalist Economic System for both self-use and for retraction of profit from ownership is hallowed ground.   But property can be reclaimed by the government if taxes are not paid or by  Right of Eminent Domain if it is needed for the common good.  Is ownership therefore only partial and therefore it is a privilege and not a Right?  It is still the cornerstone of unearned income & wealth as opposed to income earned from labor and is the cause wage-slavery.

When residential property is owned but not used, the owner would like to have someone to pay for its use. If another person desired the use of that residence and had the resources to rent the unused residence, that renter would do so unless he wanted to be homeless. If that person lacked resources or wages,  he would be homeless. That is the power of ownership over those who have only their labor to obtain life essentials. They can be either trapped in Poverty or forced to be a Wage-Slave to undesirable jobs without the Freedom to choose.

 To ensure Freedom to escape poverty or wage-slavery is to find a way to distribute money to the person who has none. The fairest & simplest solution is to provide an unconditional Basic Income Guarantee to every person [rich or poor] large enough to buy sufficient food, adequate shelter, and effective medical care. It is the simplest solution for distributing basic Goods & Service to every person.

I recommend using the existing Supplemental Security Income [SSI] program without a Means Test of a need in order to distribute. It could be distributed to all with no need for a large Government Bureau-for-Begging that will exercise "Shaming" as a power tool