Friday, February 23, 2018

Capitalism must serve Community


Community Commonwealth Coalition

     I personally have no problem with what a CEO earns. As long as he is being fair to his stockholders. My interest is that every citizen has sufficient income for life essentials:

1. Food, water, and clothes
2. Shelter 
3. Medical care
4. Education.

The income of a Nation in the form of taxes, fees, borrowed funds, and created money is the Commonwealth of all the citizens of the Nation. The Preamble to the Constitution specifies the purposes of forming the Nation.  The General Welfare of the Citizens is one of those purposes. 

I cast my vote to end poverty out the Commonwealth. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Value Life

My prime value in life is Life itself. I spend my writing time promoting social safety networks. The best safety net is a Basic Income Guarantee for every citizen with no connection to wealth, earned income, or any moral test from a Government Bureau for Begging.

I seek to promote a world in which no person fears being denied food, shelter, medical care, or the right to be educated. Government SHOULD NOT give you everything. It should provide you the "Inalienable Right to Life" by giving you income for food, shelter, medical care and education.

If your passions are then to work for a reasonable wage so that you can buy yourself a car and big home and any other toys that you need to follow your passion you should do that. If your passion is walking on the Beach and watching sunsets or singing songs then you should do that. We call that the "Inalienable Right to pursue happiness."

The Government should not be in the business of doing handouts, but it should be in the business of providing for the Constitutionally mandated General Welfare It should be in the business of ensuring the distribution of income for food & clothes. shelter, medical care, education, and transportation to every citizen without "means testing" for work or wealth.

We should not have a Bureau for Begging. The essentials of life are an entitlement to each person governed by the Sovereign Community and paid for by the receipts of the Commons. You need nothing more than an Unconditional Basic Income distributed by the Social Security Administration just as they distribute Retirement income.